Keep all of your insurance under one roof

You may have your homeowner's or auto insurance policy with us, but did you know we can manage all of your insurance policies? Simplify your life by keeping all of your insurance under one roof. Since we're an independent agency, we look out for your interests rather...

Adirondack announces Hurricane Deductible Buy-Back program

If you have a policy with Adirondack Insurance Company and own a property in a coastal area of New York, there's good news for you: Adirondack has announced a Hurricane Deductible Buy-Back program for new and current clients. Regardless of the mandatory percentage...

Flood Insurance considerations for New York Homeowners

Since there are still so many worthy concerns about Flood insurance, I thought I would mention that the U.S. Senate has been fighting to and will soon vote on legislation to put a delay on rate hikes in flood insurance premiums on primary residences until FEMA...