If you’ve never had an agent manage your insurance policies, you may be wondering why you need one. Having an independent insurance agent like Curran Cooney Penny only benefits you, so you’ll miss out on a lot of great advantages by not having one.
What are the advantages of having an independent insurance agent?
Choices with an independent agent, you have a choice of carriers to buy a policy from. A good agent will represent many of the best, most-financially secure insurance companies. If you’re not happy with your policy or the renewal premium is too high, your agent can shop for the best policy in the market. Plus, a general agent can manage all of your policies, from your personal to your business insurance program.
Savings An independent agent represents a variety of carriers, so they can shop around for the best price on a policy. A good agent knows which coverages you’ll need for your family or business so you don’t pay more than you have to. And since an agent works for you, they don’t spend their time trying to sell you a policy you don’t need.
Personalized Service Your agent knows your insurance needs inside and out. They can find you opportunities to save money and manage your risk better. Best of all, when you need to make a claim, your agent is there to help you.
Custom Solutions Your independent insurance agent works for you, not the insurance carrier. Your insurance program is a blank slate, and your agent mixes and matches the policies to manage all your risks, from your home to your car, and your employees to your business.