Help us serve you better by saving time and the environment. To receive your insurance documents and agency correspondence by email, simply read over this agreement and fill out the fields below. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your authorization.
Terms of Agreement
By filling out this electronic authorization form and successfully submitting, you agree:
- to receive electronic copies of policy documents, renewal letters, privacy notices, and other correspondence from us;
- to receive communications directing you to the Curran Cooney Penny internet web site address where some documents will be available;
- that you have the ability to access the internet and the preferred email address you specify;
- that you can revoke your authorization by calling your agent at (516) 484-5200 and informing them;
- that you may request specific documents in paper form at any time without revoking your authorization for electronic delivery.
To submit your authorization, fill out the following fields and click “Send.”
[contact-form-7 id=”2407″ title=”Authorize”]