Don't confuse Homeowners Insurance with Flood Insurance! Here are some important facts about flood insurance. Flooding can happen anywhere, at any time. In fact, according to FEMA, more than 40% of claims come from homes outside high-risk flood areas. Flooding is not...
Are You Prepared for Winter Storms? Check out these tips:
Information For Our NY Customers.
THE NEW YORK WORKERS COMP RATING BOARD (NYCIRB) IMPLEMENTED A NEW RATING CLASSIFICATION CODE FOR IDLE EMPLOYEES IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 Effective 5/1/20 to all new and renewal policies after 5/1/20 as well as to all in-force policies as of...
COVID-19 This notice is being provided in accordance with New York Department of Financial Services emergency regulation 11 NYCRR 229 in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. A copy of the emergency regulation can be reviewed at the link below. The emergency regulation...