When purchasing car insurance, there are so many different types of coverage available. For a low cost, all auto insurance companies offer road side assistance, which is very important to have. What will this cover? Why is it important? When you're driving, you don't...
Month: April 2014
Who should have flood insurance?
EVERYONE! Just because you don't live near the water does not mean you shouldn't have flood insurance. In fact, everyone should have a flood policy in case mother nature decides to strike. What many don't know is, home insurance typically does not cover natural...
Prices going up? Cars getting older? Where’s the logic in that?
Well it's true! Prices of insurance are going up quite rapidly and the cars are getting older, leaving many puzzled. So why? Well, the answer is simple, rate increases. This year, insurance companies have these large rate increases since the cost of repairs/coverage...
Let us meet your Health Needs
With the demand for health care in America, health insurance has become a requirement as opposed to a privilege. Obamacare has forced Americans to seek coverage in order to avoid fines causing many to panic. On an even worse note, at least 6 million Americans have now...