
Traveling? Maybe Not ..

Cancel for Any Reason coverage will soon be available in New York State. If you are considering traveling and would like to have this coverage, it will be available once the carriers have updated their filings and policy forms. Please see attached article link from...

Do you have a will?

Did you know that if you die without a will,  the state's statutory laws will apply and all your assets will be divided amongst your family members without any say from you?  In addition, guardians will be appointed for your dependents and they probably will not be...

To Insure or Self-Insure, that is the question?

As an insurance professional for over 30 years, I have had countless conversations with clients.  When it comes to insurance,  you are either covered or not.  You either decide to secure insurance or not.  An insurance policy is a contract between you and the...

Celebrating UPC’s 20th Anniversary in Florida!

We had the exciting opportunity to visit Florida this past weekend and celebrate UPC's 20 Year Anniversary with them. We are grateful to be working with such a good company and look forward to work more with UPC in the future!