Drivers and Passengers Beware!

Drivers and Passengers Beware!

Drivers and Passengers Beware! While reviewing a Personal Auto Policy renewal for a client, I noticed that a new form had been added to the list of endorsements and forms. It was called “Ride Sharing Advisory Notice 1.” It immediately caught my attention and I had to...

Hurricane Sandy flood insurance claims reviewed

Please read the following urgent message(s)   FEMA is offering the opportunity to have Hurricane Sandy flood insurance claims reviewed. All questions and requests are being handled directly by the FEMA Sandy Claims Review Center. Please contact them by calling...

Getting the best value includes having an agent.

Another day, another auto insurance comparative rating website. Google Compare will be yet another way that folks have to more work for themselves without really knowing what they are buying and not buying the proper coverage. It’s only after this type of experience,...


Frequently Asked Questions

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse

Quis autem velo eum iure suam nihil molestiae conse temora incidunt ut labore.